About Us

What is 'ARCHE'?

“Arche” means the beginning of, the commencement, or the start of something. We began Arche with the hope that it would be the beginning or ‘archetype’ of the many things to come that would help out church become a unified church of both Korean-speaking and English-speaking members of our church

As such, we are the Inter-generational English speaking ministry of the Korean Central Presbyterian Church of Houston, seeking to be the bridge of unification between the English-speaking and Korean-speaking congregations of KCPCH.

We look forward to worshiping with you.

Our Beliefs

Our core values are set of foundational and unifying emphases that drive our church towards the future. These values ought to permeate every part of our lives as individuals and as a collective congregation.

All that we do is motivated by the glory of God. The Westminster Confession of Faith tells us that we exist to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever. We teach, preach, serve, worship, learn, grow, minister, and most importantly live for the glory of God. We are about making Him famous. Because we were made to glorify God, we will not find rest until we glory in Him. The longings of every human heart are satisfied and find completion when they are worshiping God. Worship happens not only in a time-and-space moment on Sunday morning, but is also reflected in our daily lives (Romans 12:1-2). Worship to God’s glory displays our immense satisfaction in the joy that He provides and inspires others to be glad in Him. As Donald Miller says in Blue Like Jazz, “Sometimes you have to see someone loving something in order to love it yourself.”

Every person, whether a Christian or not, needs to either be reminded or taught the Gospel. The gospel, according to Paul, is the power of God for salvation. But the gospel is not just how we are saved; it’s how we grow and also how we live the best lives. In theological terms, the gospel is not only the means of our justification; it is also the means of our sanctification. The good news does not just get us into heaven… it gets heaven into us. This is not done through human effort, Scripture explicitly warns us against this type of thinking (Gal. 3:3). Thus through gospel-centered preaching and ministry, we hope to move people closer to the heart of God so that they may become the Christ-centered leaders they were made to be.

In a world longing to know and to be known, the church is called to foster intimacy among its members. We are saved not merely to be out of this world, but saved into a community of saints. We are saved out of isolation and into intimacy. It is in community we also find the strength to overcome sins and receive benedictions from our brothers and sisters. Community breaks down walls through the gospel’s power to accept and be accepted no matter what we have been through. Spiritual formation will often happen within the context of our YAGs as life-on-life interchanges lead to transformation. This happens in a safe place through trust and encouragement, even to those who may feel lonely and outcast.

The body of Christ has always been, and will forever be a unified body of many diverse parts. Although we are all one body, it is comprised of many parts. The church will always be a gathering of the many under the unity of our One True God. We embrace this truth particularly through the many generations that make up our body. Within these generations live a vibrant diversity and beauty that makes us who we are. We seek to be a place for all, woven together by grace to become one.
In the words of Scripture, God Himself has revealed Himself to us. We need no other authority on which to base our lives. We will seek to teach, preach, and live according to Scripture, incarnating it so that the “Word becomes flesh” and is lived out in life. Jesus has bought us with a price. We are his. His Word tells us how we can honor him in life. The Bible is the authority for life, causing us to become transformed individuals who are disciple-making disciples.
In a dark world, anyone with a light is called to be a leader. Therefore, all believers are called to be leaders in some way. We believe that all Christians, not just pastors or missionaries are called to serve the church. This means that men and women, young and old alike have been given a gift from God. Arche seeks to equip such believers to give their unique gift away that others might have life. (Eph. 4:11-12)
History is a storybook of answered prayers of the saints. The greatest weapon at the church’s disposal in the holy battle is found on our knees. Prayer releases the power of God. As Leonard Ravenhill says, “We have many organizers but few agonizers. We have many who pay, not many who pray…the ministry of preaching is open to a few. The ministry of prayer is open to all.” We seek to be a church that understands the power of prayer to change individuals, churches, cities, and nations.
We are committed to seeing God’s name and fame become supreme in the nations. We will be an intentionally missions-minded congregation who advances the Great Commission through financial and prayer support of missionaries. We will also do so by sending a continuous stream of mission teams to the nations until all have heard. Additionally, each of our YAGs supports missionary who is living out our mission statement.

Our Mission

Arche exists to glorify God, by making disciples of Jesus Christ to transform the world through a unified church

Our Pastors

Our Ministry Directors